Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Raya Baiturahman Mosque

Hello my friends... I believe that you ever heard about this place but a few years ago tsunami struck this place,,,
Raya Baiturahman Mosque

Raya Baiturahman Mosque, located in downtown Banda Aceh, Aceh is a market that is in the pride of the people of Aceh mosque.History records the first time in this place stands a mosque Kingdom of Aceh. When the Dutch attacked the city of Banda Aceh in 1873 this mosque was burned, but to quell the anger of the people of Aceh in 1875. Netherlands to rebuild a mosque that stands majestically as a replacement at this time.This single-domed mosque and was built on December 27, 1883. The mosque was subsequently extended to 3 domes in 1935. Last expanded again to 5 dome (1959-1968)

Tapak Padri Beach

Hi Guys.... Long time no see u.... now I wanna tell you about one of nice beach in Bengkulu city. Do you want to see that???

Tapak Padri Beach
Tapak Padri Bengkulu is one attraction that should be the mainstay of Bengkulu city as one tour destination in the city of Bengkulu. Tapak Padri beaches can be reached only about 10 minutes from the center of city of Bengkulu. This beach is located between Panjang Beach and Zakat Beach of Bengkulu city.Since the days of British occupation of the archipelago, in the area around the beach Tapak Padri be in Bengkulu city center area at the time.

On the beach as well, the British Government in the days occupation built a fortress and administrative center called Fort Marlborough on the instructions of the Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffless. On this beach, there is a China Town or Kampung China that reflects life at the time of first occupation and the downtown area at the time.

Tapak Padri beach has natural charm that can be outside, especially at sunset. You can enjoy a romantic sunset while enjoying a roasted corn snacks. You can also enjoy the scenery around the coast from the middle of an artificial lake located on the beach with a boat that had been prepared in this place.