Minggu, 22 April 2012

Lake Revenge

Lake Revenge

You may be squinted and frowned when he heard the name of the lake that is in Bengkulu. Rather strange indeed, because his name was Lake’s Revenge. Although the name could also be spelled weird or unique, this lake offers a beautiful view. As reported Media Indonesia, Lake Resentment was already established as a nature serve area. This is why you will find beautiful scenery of green around it. The lake is surrounded by wooded hills, is also a prime habitat for rare endemic plants, the pencil orchid (Vanda Hookeriana).

In addition to rare plants, some rare species of fish can be found in this lake. It came from families Anabantidae, namely Trichorgaster trihopterus, Helstoma termminchi, Trichogaster pectoralis, Anabas testudieus, and Polcamous hasselti. While the family Bagridae Mystus sp is, and of the family Cyprinidae and Rasbora sumatranus Mystacoleucus. It’s Revenge of the lake also has five function as areas for biodiversity conversation, source water used for irrigation, water supply areas; remedy learning medium of scientific interest, and recreation. Because one function as a recreation area then you will find amenities such as fishing equipment and boats that can be used to get around the lake.

Given its history, the lake is famous its wealth of flora and fauna has undergone several expansion area. first in 1936, when the Ducth East Indies government establish in this area as a nature reserve with an area of 11.5 hectares. Second, in 1979, where the region expended to 430 hectares. When planning to visit, it’s location of Revenge Lake is about 7 kilometers from the center of city of Bengkulu, precisely in the direction of the Curup city.

If you want to stay and required a more comprehensive facilitates, you can visit the town or Curup city. In both cities there are sufficient and complete facilitating such as hotels, restaurant, malls, mini market, a place of worship, etc.

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