Selasa, 06 November 2012

Greatness Tower Limboto

Greatness Tower Limboto

Greatness tower was inaugurated by Vice President Dr. Hamzah Haz, on Saturday, September 20, 2003. Name the tower is determined by Gorontalo decree No. 717 of 2003 dated 18 September 2003 which was approved by the local parliament Gorontalo. The tower was built in 2002 and cost U.S. $ 8.6 billion, made by PT Gunung Garuda Indonesia and PD Pedago Gorontalo regency.
Greatness tower 65 meters high consists of five floors, with the details (from the bottom to the top of the tower):
* I = 446.56 m2 floor height of 10 meters, auditorium 199.3 m2, 212.38 m2
  hall, with a capacity of 200 people, designed for a meeting;
* Level II = 352.25 m2, height of 14 meters, a capacity of 120 people, is
  designed as a restaurant;
* Level III = 157.3 m2, a height of 30 meters, a capacity of 40, is planned as
  a souvenir sales (gift shop);
* Level IV = 96.96 m2, 39 meters high, with a capacity of 20 people;
* V = 31.36 m2 Floor, height 58 meters, a capacity of 10 people.
* 65-high spire-shaped dome.
* The width of the foot stakes 21 feet.

The tower is equipped with two spotlights with a distance range of 70 km each. The Guest Name of Greatness Limboto Prime Tower, Gorontalo regency. Each had deposited Rp. 50 million, and their names enshrined in the inscription as a prime visitor. They are:
1.         Hi. Abdullah Alkatiri, S.H.
2.         Hi. Zainuddin Hasan, M.B.A.
3.         Hi. Syamsur Yunus
4.         Drs. Hi. Rusli Habibie
5.         Agung Mazin, S.H.
6.         Drs. Hi. Hamzah Isa, S.H.
7.         Hi. Roem Kono
8.         Dr. Ir. Moh. Revodi A.
9.         Ir. Hi. Hamid Kuna
10.       Hi. Rahmat Gobel
11.       Dr. Hi. Dahlan Muda

From the top of tower visitors can see the majesty of the surrounding scenery Gorontalo.

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